Poppy Patchwork

My little bit of this big World

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Candlemas Day

Crocus in our front garden
My little hedge plants are doing well
I want to make a low box hedge curved around here. 
New life Peony buds. 
plus growing back from last year, poppies
Today 2nd Feb is Candlemas day, and the weather has been lovely, which if you believe the old wives tales, that means winter will come back and get us.  It's the mid point in winter, halfway between the shortest day and spring equinox. If for any reason you still have Christmas decorations up, today they must come down.
My mum always said March was the month to watch, but that's weeks away.
February is so promising, after the lull of January where everything shiny has been packed away, we ate so many leftovers, the gardens are bare, February is new beginnings, the promise of the year ahead, planning what to grow,  looking forward.


  1. No crocus yet but snowdrops are making a start! Strangely there is colour in one of the wallflower buds and a violet out in a sheltered corner. You plants look ready for spring!

  2. We've got crocuses and anemone blandas flowering and some of the shrubs are beginning to bud way before they should....hope it doesn't damage them for later on.

  3. I've got some pretty orange crocus flowers out today. Strange though, because I planted blue ones.....

  4. I totally agree. We have about a dozen daffodils blooming here.

  5. Your flowers make me wish our Spring was closer. We won't get any crocus' until the end of March or maybe APril . . unless it stays as warm as it has been then it may come sooner.

  6. I love seeing the little bits of green. I have daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths showing a little bit. Spring will be here soon. I just hope a killing frost stays away!

  7. I knew that it was Candlemass yesterday, but didn't know that tale about the weather. How often though do we have snow at Easter having not had any at all before, so I think that your Mum is right! Let us hope though that we don't suddenly get any snow. xx

  8. I love spring but this year the flowers have certainly arrived early. We have daffodils and snow drops out in our garden and the signs of the bluebells are pushing through to which is completely mad in February. dee

  9. It's lovely to be seeing a bit more sunshine and lighter mornings to wake up to.

  10. My snowdrops are out but there's no crocuses yet. The daffodils have buds so they won't be long now. We've had such a mild winter so far, I'm sure we must get some truly awful weather before long, it just hasn't seemed like winter this year.

  11. Sweet little crocus peeking out! I think the box hedge will be wonderful once filled out!



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